Burn & Catastrophic Injury

Here are the common types of injuries:

Types of injuries:

  • Burn Injury
  • Catastrophic Injury
    Let's start with the Burn Injury :

Burn injury

Burn injuries are under-appreciated trauma that can affect anyone, anytime and anywhere. The injuries can be caused by friction, cold, heat, radiation, chemical, or electric sources, but the majority of burn injuries are caused by heat from hot liquids, solids, or fire.

Some ways to prevent burn injury

To prevent burns from fires and scalding:

  1. Be “alarmed”. Install and maintain smoke alarms in your home—on every floor and near all rooms family members sleep in. Have an escape plan. Create and practice a family fire escape plan, and involve kids in the planning.

  2. Cook with care.

  3. Check the water heater temperature.

Now let's get on with the Catastrophic Injury:

A type of catastrophic injury:

Spinal cord injury

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function, such as mobility and/or feeling.

How to prevent spinal cord injury

Following this advice may reduce your risk of a spinal cord injury:

-Drive safely. Car crashes are one of the most common causes of spinal cord injuries.

-Check water depth before diving.

-Take precautions when playing sports.

-Don't drink and drive.

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Burn injury. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7224101/

Burn prevention. (2019, February 6). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/safechild/burns/index.html

Spinal cord injury - symptoms and causes. (2019, September 17). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/spinal-cord-injury/symptoms-causes/syc-20377890

Spinal cord injury types & treatment. (n.d.). Shepherd Center | Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Rehabilitation. https://www.shepherd.org/patient-programs/spinal-cord-injury/about