How does caffeine affect sleep?
Caffeine is a naturally occurring psychoactive chemical that is extensively utilised in foods and beverages all over the world. Caffeine may be present in various plants, such as coffee beans, tea leaves, cacao pods, and kola nuts. Caffeine is also synthesised and utilised in pharmaceuticals and energy drinks for its energising and alerting properties. Caffeine is most often found in beverages. Because there are so many differences in caffeinated drinks, it can be difficult to tell how much caffeine is in a certain drink, especially a freshly prepared cup of tea or coffee with no label. Coffee, on the other hand, is the most potent and consumed caffeinated drink A single eight-ounce cup of coffee contains between 95-200mg of caffeine. For comparison, a 12-ounce soda contains 35-45mg, about half the amount of a weaker cup of coffee. How Caffeine Affects the Brain: When we consume items that contain caffeine, such as drinks or foods, it is quickly absorbed by our stomach and small intest