Unknown facts and stories about popular brands/companies

How we came to be, what we did to get to where we are and what we're called. For each one of us, it's a different story. Some boring as hell, some interesting enough to be written about. And with some of our most well-known brands, the same is true. Here are a few of the lesser known stories and facts of some the biggest brands in the world: 1. A lucky weekend in Vegas saved FedEx In the early 1970s, just a few years after FedEx was formed, the fledgling company was already in dire straits, losing up to a million dollars a month, At one point, it looked like they wouldn't be able to meet their financial commitments. While waiting for a flight, Fred Smith, the founder of the company, impulsively hopped on a plane to Las Vegas, where he won $27,000 playing Blackjack. The company was saved and Fred Smith had one helluva story to tell. Source: TroyMedia 2. Lamborghini sports cars exist because of Enzo Ferrari's pride Lamborghini was originally a tractor manufacturer. The o...